Jan 11, 20211 min

What are you proud of yourself for in 2020?

⁣For me, I would say I didn’t let corona get to me mentally, if I’m being honest. Except allowing myself to slow down, be more introspective and compassionate towards others. ⁣

I started the year in India studying advanced yoga training, then I moved in with my parents for a few months during the lockdown and got to spend some much needs family time together after 3 years apart!⁣

I did tons of healing work too, such as tantra, connecting to my menstrual cycle, and working deeper on my own intuitive eating practice. I also met my amazing boyfriend.

THE MOST CRAZY THING: This is the year I quit my full-time job and went full force into my coaching and yoga business, no more splitting my time.⁣

I am excited that I invested so much time in Intuitive Eating - the truest understanding of our body’s needs.⁣

I helped over 40+ women make peace with food and their bodies. This included:

  • Eliminating guilting cravings⁣

  • Eating more mindfully and slowing down⁣

  • Healing past traumas and body shaming⁣

  • Ditching the diet⁣

  • And working on self-love!⁣

And the biggest of all is that I created my Intuitive Eating Method Course, a step-by-step online course to help you create health habits around food and learn to love your body.⁣

What are the high points of your 2020? Please share with me in the comments or just generally take some time to reflect with yourself!

Are you ready to make peace with food and your body?

#intuitiveeatingcoach #intuitiveeating #ditchthediet #wellnesstips #selflove